
What is a Birth Doula?

A doula is a trained, non-medical, professional who offers emotional and practical support to pregnant women and their partners. During pregnancy, they use evidence based information and practical tips to prepare the couple for the birth.  The doula spends hours with the pregnant woman and her partner allowing time for a relationship and trust to grow. The doula stays by the woman's side during labour and birth, holding the space, and supporting her in the way the she needs at that moment.  After birth the doula stays with the family for a few hours.  The doula also sees the family at least once more during the postpartum period, to check up on mom, help around the house, and maybe even cuddle a bit with the newborn.

Do I Need a Doula?

Every woman will benefit from having a Doula, but we are all different, and not everyone needs a Doula. This is a personal choice.

A Doula is a professional, but non-medical, this means she can spend the entire birth focusing on your emotional well-being, while the medical team can be in charge of the medical side.
A Doula is a familiar person that you trust and that knows your deepest desires for birth, but she is not your partner, so she can stay clear minded when difficult situations come up and decisions need to be made.

A few ways in which a doula can offer support:

  • Building a relationship and trust with you and your birth partner
  • Sharing evidence based information so that you know all your options.
  • Taking your options and turning it into a birth presence list - catered to you, and based on research
  • Showing and practicing practical tips - breathing, positions, getting the house ready etc.
  • A calm, supportive and educated presence with you during your birth
  • Supporting the birth partner during birth, giving him a moment to run to the bathroom, eat something, or even take a nap
  • Postpartum availability to answer any questions you might have as you get used to your new life

Doula Madi:

A certified, supportive presence during the life changing event we call birth. I really want mom and her partner to feel confident and supported in their choices, knowing that throughout their pregnancy and birth journey there will always be someone holding space for them and making sure their voice is heard.  I spend a great deal of time with the soon-to-be parents, so that I can truly get to know them and understand them as a couple working together, but also as individuals who have varying concerns and ways of dealing with stress and unknown situations.  We build trust and the parents know that there will be someone with them that understands their deepest desires and fears.

I especially enjoy guiding first-time parents through the hospital birthing experience, helping them navigate the hospital system and providing them with the tools to make this medical environment a welcoming and supportive as possible. Having to go through such an intimate experience in an unfamiliar environment can be scary. So, being able to take that situation and turn it into a beautiful and precious memory is very important to me.

Being a doula is a very personal role, and I place human connection as a top priority when working with mom and dad.

Duo Doula Service

When you choose the Mabon birth package, you automatically get access to an additional service: the Duo Doula Service!

Jessica (DoulaCareVeda) is my duo-colleague, and with her extensive knowledge of clinical birth practices, family dynamics, and emotional support, she provides incredible value during prenatal sessions. She lives in Zoetermeer and has two teenage daughters, so her experience is both professional and personal. She has a background in youth and family care, which she seamlessly integrates into her role as a doula. Jessica is caring, knowledgeable, and stays calm and collected in any situation, making her a strong and supportive presence at any birth.

She speaks Dutch and English and is down-to-earth, kind, and highly experienced in hospital and home births. Her expertise in navigating medical protocols ensures that you'll feel informed and empowered in any setting.

In our Duo Doula Service, you get two doulas for the price of one! Together, we’ll work closely with you to tailor the support to your specific needs.

You can find more information about her and her services on her website:

